MSDS Name: Citric acid, anhydrous
Catalog Numbers:
AC110450000, AC110450010, AC220340000, AC220341000, AC220345000,
AC329860000, AC329860010, AC423560000, AC423560020, AC423560050,
AC423565000, S72836, S728361, S782362, S93178, A940-1, A940-1LC, A940-250LB,
A940-500, A95-250LB, A95-3, A95-SAM1, A95-SAM2, A95-SAM3, BP339-500
2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid.
Company Identification:
Fisher Scientific
1 Reagent Lane
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
For information, call: 201-796-7100
Emergency Number: 201-796-7100
For CHEMTREC assistance, call: 800-424-9300
For International CHEMTREC assistance, call: 703-527-3887
Appearance: white crystalline powder.
Danger! Causes severe eye irritation and possible
injury. Causes skin and respiratory tract irritation.
Target Organs: Respiratory system, eyes, skin.
Potential Health Effects
Causes severe eye irritation and possible injury.
Causes skin irritation.
Some references state that citric acid has allergenic properties but,
no animal or human studies were found to support this claim. It does
not seem likely that citric acid is a sensitizer since it is found
in the body as an essential component of the citric acid cycle which
releases energy for physiological functions. Citric acid is widely
distributed in plants and in animal tissues and fluids.
May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and
diarrhea. Excessive intake of citric acid may cause erosion of the
Causes respiratory tract irritation.
Repeated exposure may cause erosion of teeth. Chronic exposure may
cause effects similar to those of acute exposure.